TGTN 2012
The second There Goes the Neighborhood! took place May 31-June 1, 2012. This year the focus of the There Goes the Neighborhood is "the neighborhood" as a nexus of global conditions which manifest themselves in local, everyday, situations. These issues range from transportation networks to means of food production to how information (and knowledge) is disseminated publicly.
2012 Website
TGTN 2010
The first There Goes the Neighborhood! took place June 1-June 3, 2010. It focused on issues relating to gentrification and how art can play a role in neighborhood revitalization and can also be complicit in the displacement of existing groups by those moving in.
2010 Website
This book was created in partnership with pros* journal and TGTN. It serves as documentation of There Goes the Neighborhood! 2010.
Video Documentation
Taking Up Space 2010 by Jessica Sledge on Vimeo.
Photo Documentation
Photo set on Flickr