Watch Michael Trigilio's synthpack demo on Vimeo.

Trigilio teaching a synthpack workshop "Tune In, Tune Out, Turn Up Everything" at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art in 2009.

"Tune In, Tune Out, Turn Up Everything" at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art in 2009.

Turn Up Everything

Sunday June 6th
2pm to 5pm

Synthpack workshop with Michael Trigilio

2pm to 3:30pm / Build synth packs
3:30pm to 5pm / Turn Up Everything in North Park

Join Michael Trigilio for a DIY sound and electronics workshop at Agitprop. Build a miniature synthesizer with found materials and simple electronic components.

Following the synthpack build, participants will take their noisemakers to the streets to conduct sound experiments in public places.

Materials and tools will be provided. To RSVP for the workshop, email contact [at] agitpropspace [dot] org